6 steps to write the perfect corporate email


Emails are what make the corporate world go ‘round. Every day, 347.3 billion emails are sent worldwide. That’s approximately 80 emails daily per person! It’s no surprise that office workers send and receive a lot of emails, but how can you make your emails stand out from the pack? Here are six steps to help you write the perfect corporate email.

Start with an eye-catching template

Your emails are a reflection of you and your company. But you likely don’t have time to design eye-catching layouts from scratch. That’s where templates come in.

There are thousands of corporate email templates available from websites like PosterMyWall to make your emails look great without taking time from your busy schedule. The first step to writing a perfect corporate email is to browse the professional designs and choose one that best fits your brand (personal or corporate).

You can easily customize the design in the drag-and-drop editor to add files from your device or move elements to your liking.

Use professional language

The corporate world is all about being confident and decisive. To that end, be sure to use professional language when crafting your corporate email.

  • Professional language should:
  • Avoid contractions
  • Use correct spelling and grammar
  • Be concise with short and articulate sentences
  • Get to the point quickly

When you reread your email, think about whether there’s any “fluff” or phrases that aren’t completely necessary. If you find something that can be omitted, remove it. That’s how you ensure your professional writing is concise and articulate.

Don’t forget an action item

What is the goal of your email? You’re not sending an email for the fun of it. Every corporate email should include an action item. What do you want the reader to do once they’re finished reading?

Make your action item as clear as possible. Readers should have no doubt what they’re supposed to do next after reading your message.

If you can’t think of an action item to include, you probably don’t need to send an email…

Refine your email signature

Your email signature is a way for you to engage with your readers. It lets them know who you are, your position in the company, and multiple ways to get in contact should the need arise.

These are just a few of the items you should include in your corporate email signature:

  • First and last name
  • Job title and/or department
  • Secondary contact information, like phone numbers (office and cell)
  • Social media profile icons
  • Disclaimers or legal requirements (if applicable)
  • Photo or logo

Your email signature is also great real estate at the bottom of your email. It’ll likely be the last thing readers see, so use it as a last push to encourage readers to take action. Feel free to include a general call to action (CTA) like booking links to schedule a meeting.

Segment your mailing lists

The way you talk to your coworkers is different from the way you talk to management or clients. And your emails should reflect the difference in speech. The best way to keep your email messaging consistent with different groups is to segment your mailing lists.

Email segmentation is when you categorize your contacts into different lists. For example, clients go into one list, coworkers into another, and management into another yet. As you write your corporate emails, you can craft different messaging to send to each group of people to ensure you use the right language and tone with each. Personalized emails are more effective.

Include the topic in the subject line

Since the average office worker receives so many emails every day, it’s easy for some to get lost in the masses — or deleted immediately. Whether your email is read or deleted largely comes down to the subject line.

The subject line lets recipients know the importance of your email. If they don’t deem it important or interesting, they probably won’t read it.

The key to a great corporate email subject line is to include the topic of the email front and center. If the recipients know what the email is about right away, there’s a better chance they’ll open it or at least categorize it for the future.

Including the topic in the subject line also helps in the future when people want to find your email again. They can simply do a search for the topic or task, and your email will come right up.

Write perfect corporate emails every time

Email is the primary communication method in the corporate world. So if you want to communicate effectively, it’s important to learn how to write the perfect corporate email. Start by choosing a corporate email template to maintain a professional design appearance. Then, be sure to use professional language as you craft your email, include an action item, craft the ideal email signature, segment your mailing lists, and include the topic in the subject line.

Great emails lead to more effective communication in the workplace. Take the time to write the perfect corporate emails and get more done around the office. 

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